Why should invest in Rajkot?
Taluka | Population | Male | Female | Sexratio | Literacyrate |
Rajkoteast | 3804558 | 1974445 | 1830113 | 924 | 82.20% |
Rajkotwest | 247143 | 128988 | 118155 | 927 | 80.96% |
Rajkotsouth | 3804558 | 1974445 | 1830113 | 924 | 82.20% |
Rajkotrural | 1590508 | 816264 | 774244 | 949 | 74.65% |
Dhoraji | 154896 | 79475 | 75421 | 949 | 72.20% |
Jetpur | 247140 | 128932 | 118208 | 917 | 71.30% |
Upleta | 178912 | 92256 | 86656 | 939 | 69.50% |
Gondal | 285550 | 147508 | 138042 | 936 | 72.94% |
Jamkandorna | 78130 | 39923 | 38207 | 957 | 68.90% |
Jasdan | 314124 | 135243 | 130398 | 960 | 60.03% |
Kotdasangani | 8292 | 4238 | 4054 | 897 | 79.30% |
Lodhika | 57415 | 30168 | 27247 | 903 | 68.08% |
Vinchhiya | 16634 | 8621 | 8013 | 929 | 86.72% |
Padadhari | 74781 | 38204 | 36577 | 957 | 66.67% |
Rajkot east taluka :
Rajkot east taluka is situated in Rajkot district only. With population of 3804558 out of which 1974445 are male and 1830113 are females so sex ratio is 924 and literacy rate is 82.2%. So if any entrepreneur wants to invest here, they can have profitable and long lasting business.
Actually main business of Rajkot district if agriculture for last so many years. And the industries which are already developed mainly agro based industries. In Rajkot, the auto mobile industries are well developed in Rajkot. And whatever machineries which are useful in agriculture, are manufactured here. Like spare parts of tractors and manufacturing of deep well motors and pulleys. Thus Rajkot east taluka is one of the industrial hub. More over here, industrial zone named Aji industrial estate are already situated. In which so many manufacturing units are already working.
So if any entrepreneur wants to invest here, then we’re definately sure that they can get profitable and long lasting business.
For this purpose, if any one wants to have franchise/finance/Com. Real estate service then they can contact us.
Rajkot west taluka :
Rajkot west taluka is situated in Rajkot district with population of 247143 out of which males are 128988 and females are 118155 so sex ratio is 927 and literacy rate is 80.96%. So if any of the entrepreneur wants to invest here, they can have required employees easily from surrounding region only.
In Rajkot west, there’s an industrial area Metoda GIDC is already developed. In which different types of industries and on this road, means Kalavad road, there’re so many schools and colleges are already developed. More over for residencial facilities, latest style of flats and bungalows are already developed. So if any of the entrepreneur wants to invest here, then they can have profitable and long lasting business.
For this purpose, if any one wants franchise/finance/Com. Real estate service then they can contact us.
Rajkot South taluka :
Rajkot south taluka is situated in Rajkot district with population of 3804558 out of which 1974445 are males and 1830113 are females so sex ratio is 924 and literacy rate is 82.2% so any of the entrepreneur wants to ok invest here, can get the required employees easily.
In Rajkot South, Shapar Veraval industrial area is already developed so here, majority people are engaged in this industrial area. More over in this region, Kothariya also located. So Kothariya solvant also is here.
So if any of the investor wants to invest here, they can invest in food business/restaurant etc. Or in industries.
For this purpose, if they want franchise/finance/Com. Real estate services then they can contact us to establish a new business easily.
Rajkot rural taluka :
Rajkot rural taluka is situated in Rajkot district with population of 1590508 out of which 816264 are males and 774244 are females so sex ratio is 949 and literacy rate is 74.65% so entrepreneur who wants to invest here, can have required employees from surrounding region easily.
In Rajkot rural taluka, industries like
- Giriraj Ind. Agro based Ind.
- JSK. Ind. Manufacturers of machines
- Maruti Ind. Manufacturers
- Jyoti Ind. Machine manufacturers
- Pratik Ind.
- Avadh Ind.
Such industries are situated in this region so any of the entrepreneur wants to invest here, they can invest in such business.
For this purpose, if they require franchise/finance/Com. Real estate services then they can contact us to establish a business easily.
Dhoraji taluka :
Dhoraji is the taluka level town which is located in Rajkot district. In which total population is 154896. Out of which 79475 are male and 75421 are female. Thus nearly 50% are female so sex ratio is 949 and literacy rate is 72% .
In this taluka, the main community is Patel. So main business of public is agriculture or agro related product. And as we’ve discussed above that literacy rate also very good. More over in this taluka, public is financially well to do. So they can spend money for different goods. Not only this but they need now a days electronic gazettes also and educational level also is very good in this region.
Due to these factors, if any entrepreneur will invest in this region, then they will easily get market from the local area only more over they will get required man power also from the surrounding region. More over it’s a rural area so properties also are available at reasonable rate. Thus entrepreneur can get benefit.
Jetpur taluka :
Jetpur is located in Rajkot district. The total population of Jetpur taluka is 247140. Out of which 128932 are male and 118208 are female. Thus sex ratio is 917. Which is very good ratio and literacy rate is 71.3% .
Earlier, Jetpur was famous as Maskat of Gujarat due to its cloth and Saries business. Because there were so many dyings in Jetpur to make cloths and saries. But due to spread of water pollution due to dyings, government has applied restrictions over this business. So it became down. But now a days other economic sectors are already developed so economy is already in level.
As we’ve discussed above, literacy level is very good and sex ratio also. So entrepreneurs who want to invest here, can get properties at a good price and more over they can get market for finished goods and man power also from local area. More over Jetpur is located on high way so transportation facilities are very good. And we can have vehicles easily.
Thus if any entrepreneur will invest in cloth/saries/electronic gazettes/food products in Jetpur then they can very good market. If they want to have services for franchise/finance/com. Real estate then we’re ready to provide such services. They can have solution of their confusion by joining with us.
Upleta taluka :
Upleta taluka is located in Rajkot district in which total population is 178912 out of which males are 92256 and females are 86656 so sex ratio is 939 and literacy rate is 69.5%
In Upleta taluka also the major community is Patel. So main business is agriculture. Here people are engaged in other business also. People in this region are well to do financially. So if any of the entrepreneur will invest here then they can get very good business in this region. More over as we’ve discussed about sex ratio and literacy rate we can know that the entrepreneur can get required man power from surrounding region only. More over people become ready to come from out side also because Upleta is located on highway only. After Dhoraji, Upleta comes.
So if any of the entrepreneur will invest here in bakery business/food product/agro product/electronic gazettes/educational field then they can get very good return.
For this purpose, if any one needs to invest in franchise/financial services/com. Real estate then they can contact us and can get solution of their confusion.
Gondal taluka :
Gondal taluka is located in Rajkot district. And it’s near most from Rajkot. Total population of Gondal taluka is 285550 out of which 147508 are males and 138042 are females so sex ratio is 936 and literacy rate is 72.94%.
In this taluka, economy is based on various businesses. And there’re mainly two communities “Patel” and “Darbar” here also agriculture is main business. So if any of the entrepreneur will invest in any business then they can get good return.
In this region, entrepreneur can invest in electronic gazettes/food product/ bakery business/ agro product then they can get very good return.
For this purpose if they need services for franchise/financial/Com. Real estate then they can contact us and get solution for their confusion.
Jamkandorna taluka :
Jamkandorna taluka is located in Rajkot district. In which total population is 78130 out of which males are 39923 and females are 38207. Thus both are nearly 50% so sex ratio is 957 and literacy rate is 68.97%
Thus by the figure of population only we can know that it’s a small taluka. But then after also from the sex ratio and literacy rate we can know that if any of the entrepreneur will invest here, then he can get man power from local region only and more over they can get properties at low value so they don’t need to invest more.
If any one wants the services regarding franchise/financial/com. Real estate to invest here then they can contact us to have solution of their confusion.
Jasdan taluka
Jasdan taluka is located in Rajkot district. In which population is 314124 out of which 135243 are males and 130398 are females so sex ratio is 960 and literacy rate is 60.03%
Economy of Jasdan is based on diamond polishing, handicraft and agriculture. So any of the entrepreneurs will invest in such business especially in diamond polishing/bakery/food/agro business or other business and they need services for franchise/financial/real estate then they can contact us and can get solution of their confusion.
Kotdasangani taluk
Kotdasangani is the taluka located in Rajkot district. Which is quiet near from Rajkot. In which total population is 8292 out of which males are 4238 and females are 4054. Thus sex ratio is 960 and literacy rate is 79.3%.
More over it’s quiet near from Rajkot city. So if any of the entrepreneur will invest here, then he can get educated man power from surrounding area also and people become ready to do work here by up down also. It means entrepreneurs don’t need to have manpower only from Kotdasangani. More over it’s located on high way so transportation becomes quiet easy.
Here, the businesses like bakery/restaurant/food product etc. Can be possible. For which if any of the entrepreneur needs consultancy services for franchise/finance/a. Real estate then they can contact us to have solution of your confusion.
Lodhika taluka :
Lodhika taluka is located in Rajkot district on Kalavad road. It’s famous as Lodhika GIDC. Because it’s near gov. Industrial area Metoda GIDC. So majority public work in these industries only which are in Metoda GIDC. In this taluka, total population is 57415 out of which males are 30168 and females are 27247. So sex ratio is 903 and literacy rate is 68.08%.
Thus if any of the entrepreneur wants to invest in Lodhika, then he will get manpower easily because Lodhika is located on Kalavad road only near most to Rajkot. So employees can come by bike also more over properties also can be available at lower prices.
Here the entrepreneur can invest in the business like food/ bakery/restaurant etc.
Thus if any of the entrepreneur wants to invest here and they require consultancy services for franchise/finance/com. Real estate then they can get solution of their confusion by contacting us.
Vinchhiya taluka :
Vinchhiya is the taluka which is located in Rajkot district and Jasdan taluka. Total population in Vinchhiya taluka is 16634 out of which males are 8621 and females are 8013 so sex ratio is 929 and literacy rate is 86.72%. So it means male and female both are nearly in the same number. And by knowing literacy rate we can know that educated man power is already available from surrounding region also.
So if any entrepreneur wants to invest here then they can invest in the small businesses like bakery/food product/others and for this purpose if they need the consultancy services like franchise/financial services/com. Real estate then they can contact us to solve their confusion.
Padadhari taluka :
Padadhari taluka is located on Jamnagar road. And it’s nearer from Rajkot city. Its total population is 74781 out of which males are 38204 And females are 36577. So sex ratio is 957 and literacy rate is 66.61%. More over it’s located on high way so transportation is quiet easy.
So if any of the entrepreneur wants to invest here in the business like bakery/food product/restaurant etc. Then they can get very good return. For this purpose if they need consultancy services for franchise/finance/com. Real estate etc. Then they can get solution of their confusion by contacting us.