Why should invest in Junagadh?
District Junagadh :
Taluka | Population | Male | Female | Sexratio | Literacyrate |
Junagadhcity | 319462 | 163413 | 156049 | 955 | 88% |
Junagadhrural | 1836670 | 940271 | 896399 | 953 | 82.21% |
Mangrol | 212973 | 109066 | 103907 | 953 | 74.33% |
Keshod | 194746 | 100239 | 94507 | 943 | 70.81% |
Maliahatina | 117703 | 60309 | 57394 | 105 | 70.90% |
Visavadar | 140023 | 71822 | 68201 | 931 | 74.43% |
Manavadar | 132830 | 68702 | 64128 | 933 | 70.85% |
Vanthli | 97189 | 50481 | 46708 | 925 | 76.70% |
Bhesan | 79712 | 40711 | 39001 | 958 | 74.80% |
Mendarda | 68531 | 35440 | 33091 | 934 | 70.48% |
Junagadh city :
Junagadh city is situated in the foot hills of Girnar mountains in Saurashtra region of Gujarat state with population of 319462 out of which 163413 are males and 156049 are females. So sex ratio is 955 and literacy rate is 88%. So if any of the entrepreneur wants to invest here, they can have required employees from the surrounding region only.
As we’ve seen that Junagadh city is located in the foot hills of Girnar mountains so in this city, tourist visitors are constantly while whole year. More over on the hills of Girnar, there’re so many temples. So many devotees come frequently. So in this city, hotel business, restaurant business, travels etc. Are quiet profitable and long lasting business in this city. And majority people are busy in the same business only.
If any entrepreneur wants franchise/finance/Com. Real estate services then they can contact us and can establish their business easily.
Junagadh rural taluka :
Junagadh rural taluka is situated in Junagadh district in Saurashtra region. With population of 1836670 out of which males are 940271, females are 896399 so sex ratio is 953 and literacy rate is 82.21%. So any of the investor who want to invest here, can have required employees easily.
In Junagadh rural, mainly people are engaged in the agro based/forest product based/mineral based industries due to hilly region and forest on hills. Industries like
- Girnar Ind. Oil refinery
- Vinay solvent
- Rachna seeds Ind.
- T. J. Agro ind.
- Harikrishna Ind.
- SK Ind. Oil refinery
- Kakadiya metal
- Kisan Ind.
- Varsha Ind. FMCG manufacturers
As above survey, we can know that people in this region are engaged in such businesses. So if any of the investor will invest in such business then they can get long lasting and profitable business.
So if any entrepreneur want franchise/finance/Com. Real estate services then they can contact us and can establish a business easily.
Mangrol taluka :
Mangrol taluka is located in Junagadh district in which population is 212973 out of which males are 109066 and females are 103907 so sex ratio is 953 and literacy rate is 74.33%.
Mangrol taluka is located at sea shore. So it means Mangrol can be developed as a tourist place and if hotel business and restaurants are going to be opened then it’s 100% sure that entrepreneur can get a business with good return.
If any of the entrepreneur will decide to establish hotel business and wants to have franchise/finance/Com. Real estate consultancy service from us then they can contact us to solve their confusion and can establish their business without tension.
So contact us and be tension free.
Keshod taluka :
Keshod taluka is located in Junagadh district with population of 194746 out of which males are 100239 and females are 94507 so sex ratio 943 and literacy rate is 70.81%
At the economic view, there’re more than 150 oil mills in Keshod. More over it’s famous for manufacturing of chhakdo riksha. And more over it’s famous for furniture manufacturing also. Thus in Keshod taluka, people are well to do and financially in very good condition so if any of the entrepreneur will invest here then they can get very good market.
If any of the entrepreneur wants to develop franchise business then they can meet us. Thus if any investor needs consultancy service for franchise/finance/Com. Real estate then they can contact us to solve their confusion.
Maliya Hatina taluka :
Maliya Hatina taluka is located in Junagadh district with population of 117703 out of which males are 60309 and females are 57394 so sex ratio is 1.05 and literacy rate is 70.9%
More over in this taluka, majority people are engaged in agro business. So it means financial condition of small farmers is obviously not proper. So if any of the entrepreneur will invest here then he will not get market from local public but he can get properties at low value and he can get man power also from here.
If any of the entrepreneur needs consultancy service for franchise/finance/Com. Real estate then they can contact us to solve their confusion.
Visavadar :
Visavadar is a taluka which is located in Junagadh district with population of 140023 out of which 71822 are males and 68201 are females so sex ratio is 931 and literacy rate is 74.43%.
In Visavadar taluka, people are mainly engaged in the agricultural work. And Gir sanctuary is nearer to Visavadar so tourism business also can be developed. More over the goods related to agriculture can be sold here.
So the entrepreneur who wants to invest in this region, can invest in the above suggested business.
If they want to have consultancy service for that purpose means for franchise/finance/com. Real estate then they can contact us and can become free from tension.
Manavadar taluka :
Manavadar taluka is located in Junagadh district with population of 132830 out of which 68702 are males so sex ratio is 933 and 64128 are females and literacy rate is 70.85%.
So the entrepreneur who wants to invest here can get the required manpower easily. More over it’s located in Junagadh district so obviously Gir sanctuary is nearer. So tourism business can be developed. More over hotel business and restaurants and bakery also can be developed. More over due to small town, the properties are available at low value so entrepreneurs don’ t need to invest more and they can get a profitable business
If any of the entrepreneur who wants to invevkt here and needs consultancy service for franchise/finance/Com. Real estate then they can contact us and become tension free.
Vanthli taluka :
Vanthli taluka is located in Junagadh district with population of 97189 out of which 50481 are males and 46708 are females. So 925 is the sex ratio. And literacy rate is 76.7%.
Here in this taluka, majority people are engaged in agricultural business and agro related business. They grow gardens of mangoes and mangoes of Vanthli taluka are very much famous in every where. More over it can be sold at higher prices in market so people are busy in the business of mangoes while its season.
If any of the entrepreneur wants to invest here then he can invest in the business of the goods which are agro related just like agency of pesticides or fertilisers or in automobile field, agency of tractor/bike and auto spares.
Now if any of the entrepreneur wants to invest here and needs service of franchise/finance/Com. Real estate then they can contact us and can become tension free.
Bhesan taluka :
Bhesan taluka is located in Junagadh district with population of 79712 out of which 40711 are males and 39001 are females so sex ratio is 958 and literacy rate is 74.8%
In Bhesan taluka, majority people are engaged in agricultural activities so here the main business is agriculture and agro products more over automobile also. So if any one wants to invest here, he can invest in the field of automobile and food products also.
If any of the entrepreneur wants to have consultancy service regarding franchise/finance/Com. Real estate then they can contact us to become tension free.
Mendarda Tula :
Mendarda taluka is situated in Junagadh district with population of 68531 out of which males are 35440 and females are 33091 so sex ratio is 934 and literacy rate is 70.48%
So if any of the entrepreneur wants to invest in business, here then they can get required man power from here or from surrounding region also. More over, due to small town property value are low so they don’t need to invest more.
So if any of the entrepreneur wants to invest bed and needs consultancy service for franchise/finance/Com. Real estate then they can contact us and can become tension free
Thus Junagadh is such a district which is located in Saurashtra and Girnar mountain and Gir sanctuary are located here only so tourism business and hotel business and restaurant also can be developed here.