Mitra Real Estate & Franchise Business

Mitra Real Estate & Franchise Business

  • Why you’ve to contact us for real estate & Business plan ?

We’re one of the reputed business consultant in Rajkot city for last long period. And already analysed the market very well so that we can suggest you business and property location according to your plan and budget.

  • Why should you invest in real estate ?

Today, real estate is one of the most proper field to invest money. Because according to today’s trend, we’re always in search of a field to invest our excess amount of money or savings so that we can have not only maximum return but safety of our investment also. So by investing in real estate, you can be owner of an estate which is already in front of your eye. And which can be used by you also. More over if you’ll give it on the rent or long lease then you can have a fixed monthly income. Not only this but rent and  lease can be increased by you also.

And  whenever you want to sell it, you can have nearly 3 to 4 times of your investment.

Thus in today’s market, real estate is the most suitable field to invest. If you’re ready to invest minimum 10 LAKH Rs.

  • Investment in Share market.

        If you’ll invest in share market then you must’ve to be careful and constantly aware of market trend. Otherwise you’ll have to suffer loss definitely.  Thus share market becomes quiet risky to invest.

  • If you’ll invest in gold

 If you’ll invest in gold, then also it becomes safe for you. Because generally the prices of the gold is always high in the market. So it’s sure that you can have benefit of price difference when you’ll sell it in future.  

More over you can have gold loan also on the base of gold.

But you can’t have current income from gold. Just like giving property on rent/long lease.

  • If you’ll deposit  your savings in fixed deposit in banks.

 If you’ll invest in bank fixed deposits and interest rates will be reduced by government, then you’ll be in loss in interest.

Same as in the case of purchasing power of money also. Suppose you’re having 5,00,000 after 5 years. But due to price rise, purchasing power of currency becomes reduced. So you’re not able to have more benefit of maturing amount of your F. D. Which doesn’t effect in case of real estate. .If you’ll invest in real estate, then you can have more value according to current market.  

So by above discussion, we can have following observation

Real estate0HighYes

So by observing and discussing above details you can have defiantly a conclusion. So think twice before investing your savings. In other than real estate.

  • What’s the franchise business ?

Franchise is one of the comfortable method to expand the business. In which a businessman whose business is already established very well in the market and who has already gained very good reputation in the market gives franchise to spread his business in different part of city/counry/state. Thus they can expand their business. In this case, the businessman who gives franchise, is called “franchiser” and the businessman who takes the franchise is called “ franchisee”. In this type of transaction, both franchiser and franchisee are benefited.

  • Why franchise ?

          If a businessman wants to establish his business in other region also then he has to purchase location and appoint the staff also. In which complete investment and risk will be carried by him only. Here he has to focus on management also on his both old and new units.

But if he will give franchise, then he doesn’t need to invest. He shares his reputation only. For which franchisee has to pay fixed amount of money. And profit share also will be given to franchiser. Thus franchiser can establish his business. By having same type of business unit in another area.


Franchisee can get a reputed business without any efforts. By paying some particular amount of money only. Otherwise if he wants to establish his own business, then it takes so many years to have a reputation in the market.

As we know, if any one will listen the name of “US PIZZA ”, then every one becomes ready to go there. Thus if a franchisee has taken franchise  from US PIZZA, then it becomes easy for them to run the business. The franchisee has to focus on handling only.

Thus in franchisee business, both can be benefited.

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