Covid 19 & remote viewing contactless site visit

  • by rajkotoffice
  • 3 years ago
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Covid 19 & remote viewing contactless site visit

Covid 19 & remote viewing contactless site visit with MITRA BUSINESS SOLUTION PROVIDER.

  • Introduction
  • Effect of Covid 19 on human life & how does it effect
  • Steps taken by Indian government to control the infection
  • Effect of lock down on Indian economy
  • How to promote the business in Covid 19 era
  • Services provided by MITRA BUSINESS SOLUTION PROVIDER in the field of commercial real estate
  • Services provided by MITRA BUSINESS SOLUTION PROVIDER in the field of franchise and finance.
  • Diversion of people to establish own business.
  • How franchise becomes helpful in Covid 19 era
  • How financial service becomes helpful in Covid 19 era
  • How commercial real estate service becomes helpful in Covid 19 era
  • How MITRA BUSINESS SOLUTION PROVIDER can be helpful in Covid 19 era


As we know that now a days for last more than 1 year, there’s the virus infection spread in whole world. And  for this virus, even today also we don’t have perfect solution. And due to that only so many people have already lost their lives. In foreign countries, life is going to normal now but still in India it’s not under control. This virus is named “Covid 19”.

It’s said that this is the bioweapon developed by China to fight against India and other countries. And now China only sells its vaccine so that it’s business can be developed. Thus we can know which type of ideology of China is. And we can have idea that should we have to do business with them or not.  

Effect of Covid 19 on human life & how does it effect:

As we know that this is the virus and whenever this virus infection effects on any of the patient, it effects directly to the lungs of the patient and if it’s completely infected, then breathing becomes very much difficult for the patient and due to this reason only the patient dies. Thus actually this virus doesn’t effect more seriously but it effects directly to lungs that’s the main problem.

Steps taken by Indian government to control the Covid 19 infection:

As we’ve discussed above, Covid 19 infection is spread all over India and it became too much necessary to treat such patients and to stop the spread of infection. This virus infection can be spread by coming with contact of each other also. So Indian government and the governments of other country also have applied lock down. It means any of the shops or other offices must be closed up to said date by government. So that people will not come with the contact of each other and spread of infection can be controlled. But if such lock down becomes continue for long period then too much negative effects can be faced.

Effects of lock down on business and Indian economy:

As we know that now a days lock down is already applied in the field of business and it’s going to be expanded also. Due to which production is going to less and due to that there’s the shortage of goods is created and due to that only price rise and inflation can be increased. As we know that now a days this can be experienced by us. More over educational field is completely closed for last 1 and half year. So many teachers have already suicided.

More over GDP growth has already gone down. There’s the great loss of 6.25 lakh crore in revenue income of government and economy in only this April month. Which effected to currency value also.

Cotton business is also deeply effected. In this last week, there was the loss of 800.

And small business men also are suffering. In so many cases they also have suicided. Especially the people who earn for daily and eat from that only so they’re not having bank balance also so that they can maintain their family without daily income. In such situation they have to suffer too much

How to promote the business in Covid 19 era:

As we know that due to Covid 19, the business world is effected. So in such situation if  business men want to promote their business then face to face contact is not possible now a days. So in the educational field, virtual contact and virtual teaching is going to be done. More over online teaching. And by this way only now a days in the field of teaching, the work is going on. Due to Covid 19, people came to know how to work virtually. So new technology is going to be popularised. Due to which new technologies are going to be developed by which virtual contact can be possible by which contact with clients and customers can be possible and more over by the help of photogserphs also business can be promoted.

So now a days in the field of business also we’ve to think about virtual meeting and contact virtually to the clients or customers. Now a days people have started to use video calling and sending photographs so that people don’t have to meet face to face and infection can be controlled.

We the MITRA BUSINESS SOLUTION PROVIDER also provide a platform to the people so that they can contact to each other through us virtually.  We’re in this field since 2009 so we can serve such type of services better than others.

We work in the field of finance, franchise and commercial real estate for last more than 10 years. We work in Saurashtra region in 11 districts. More over we’re originally from Saurashtra only so we can communicate with local people very well.  And dealing can be easy.

Service provided by MITRA BUSINESS SOLUTION PROVIDER in the field of commercial real estate.

As we’ve discussed above,. We’re working in this field for more than last 10 years as a consultant. And we make the contacts between sellers and buyers. We’re already having so many properties at the reputed areas of well developed cities of Saurashtra. So if any of the customer or client who wants to deal with commercial real estate and will call us only then also they can get solution of their confusion. Thus if any one needs our help , in the dealing of commercial real estate then he/she needs to call only. They don’t need to do physical contact with us in this Covid 19 era. They can just visit our site and can get contact details and then we’ll solve their problems.

Thus MITRA BUSINESS SOLUTION PROVIDER can provide such services while Covid 19 era so that people don’t need to contact physically so that they can be safe from the infection.

In such situation, we provide photographs of the properties and all the important details to our clients through WhatsApp. So that they can have complete idea of property. And whatever information is provided about properties by us is always genuine and true information so that clients don’t have to be confused. And they don’t need for further investigation also. They don’t need to waste their time in this process. It’s already done by us only.

Services provided by MITRA BUSINESS SOLUTION PROVIDER in the field of finance and franchise.

As we’ve discussed above, we’re working as a franchise consultant, real estate consultant and finance consultant. We’ve discussed about our services in real estate. Now let’s discuss about franchise and finance.

As we know now a days in Covid 19 era, it’s harmful to meet more than one people and to go to public places so we provide a virtual platform as our website through which people who’re interested in franchise business or to have financial facility, they can contact us through our website only and they can send their details to us. We provide them service. Means we can develop the contact between franchiser and franchisee. So that in this Covid 19 era, people can develop their business by the help of franchise and finance services. Because while Covid 19 era, people have already lost their businesses and to recover it, they need financial services which can be provided by MITRA BUSINESS SOLUTION PROVIDER.  It means if  any one needs financial service, franchise service, or service for commercial real estate then we can provide services as a consultant. And the clients don’t need to go any where. They have to contact us through virtual platform only so that they don’t need to be worried about Covid 19 infection during Covid 19 era.

Diversion of people to establish own business:

Here due to Covid 19 effect on economy, majority people have lost their jobs and due to that reason, they need to establish new business or they need the new job. Now due to this situation, it’s not possible to have a new satisfactory job so people are diverted to establish new businesses and due to that reason they need financial services and franchise services also so that they can easily establish new business by taking franchise from a reputed franchiser. So that they can have support of reputed business units and they don’t need to do more efforts for promotion of their new business.

In the case of new business, the promotor has to invest completely and  he has to do propagation also of his or her business. For all of these the promotor who is actually not the promotor but in reality he’s the person who has lost his job and actually a jobless person. Now think for a while, how can be it possible to invest completely by him or her to establish a new business.

In such situation, if any help is available for such promotors then it becomes quiet helpful to them.

How franchise becomes helpful in Covid 19 era:

As we’ve discussed above, now a days to establish a new business, franchise becomes more helpful. Because in the system of franchise business, the franchiser wants to establish his business in different areas of city or in different cities. So he becomes helpful to franchisee to promote the business and in other types of business expenses are going to be done by franchiser and remaining local work should be handled by franchisee. Thus the total expense to promote the business is divided between franchiser and franchisee.

More over in general cases franchiser is always a reputed business unit. For an example if a business man takes the franchise of Raymond then he doesn’t need to spend money for propagation of his business and by the name of  Raymond only the clothes will be sold at very good prices. And a franchisee is a small businessman who is not capable to spend money for propagation and others but is capable to deposit money to franchiser and to fulfill other conditions of franchiser then it becomes most easy to establish a new business.

How financial service can be helpful in Covid 19 era ?

As we’ve discussed above, now a days there’re majority people who’re wishing to establish their own business in Covid 19 era or they want to develop their business but now a days there’s no current income so if there’s financial facility available of which the payment can be done in instalments then it becomes quiet easy for such promotors. So that by borrowing loan they can establish their business and can have tax benefit also.

How commercial real estate service can be helpful in Covid 19 era:

As we know very well and we’ve discussed above also in such situation of Covid 19 era, people want to sell their properties or want to purchase commercial properties so that they can start a new business.  In such situation, they need proper consultant on whom they can blindly trust and can invest their savings. And can start a new business. In such situation, the consultant must be trustworthy.

How MITRA BUSINESS SOLUTION PROVIDER can be helpful  in Covid 19 era ?:

As we’ve discussed above that now a days people require the facilities of franchise business and financial facilities also in this Covid 19 era. More over they need to sell/buy/on rent/lease the commercial properties. So they need a genuine consultancy service due to which the customers and sellers, franchisee and franchisers can come in the contact. And can develop the business. Before making their contact, we always investigate both of parties properly and then only make their contact so our clients don’t need to be tense about trustworthiness of the party with whom they are going to deal.

Same as in the case of financial services also people need a genuine consultancy service so that they can have a contact with proper financer and can get easy finance service. Financers also need service of such consultants so that they can provide maximum financial services. In such situation we provide a genuine financial consultancy services to our clients. And we always develop the contact of our client with the proper financer. Especially bank only not any private financer.

In the case of financial services also we provide our services as above only. I mean to say before developing the contact between financer and client we always check their trustworthiness. So that clients don’t need to be tense if the clients are provided through MITRA BUSINESS SOLUTION PROVIDER.

Same as in the case of commercial real estate also first of all we investigate both the parties properly and if they’re genuine parties then only we creat their contact and deal becomes finalised. So that clients can trust blindly if the deal is going to be done through MITRA BUSINESS SOLUTION PROVIDER.

Thus while Covid 19 era, we provide above discussed services to the people through virtual platform of our website named If any client who needs above discussed service then he/she can go to the said website and can get the contact details also. They don’t need to develop physical contact while Covid 19 era.

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